COVID-19 Protocols and Procedures
We are all responsible for keeping each other safe. Please take a moment to read these COVID-19 Protocols and Procedures. You will be asked to agree to all of the protocols and procedures listed below to join in any face-to-face Integrate Fitness class.
Integrate Fitness COVID-19 Guidelines
All Integrate Fitness Trainers have completed the Australian Government Department of Health eLearning course in Infection Control Training
Integrate Fitness has implemented a thorough Risk Assessment for COVID-19
As per the Fitness Australia Framework for Safely Operating a Fitness Facility Under COVID-19 Restrictions, Integrate Fitness has created a Re-Opening Procedures and Protocols document which can be viewed upon request
Integrate Fitness has a COVID Safety Plan in place
Physical Distancing
Number of participants limited to 10 people per class
All participants must book in to classes via the Visibook online booking app
All participants will be allocated 4m2 per person for workout space
All staff and participants to keep 1.5m of distance between people
No physical contact such as high 5’s, fist pumps etc
No partner work will be permitted until regulations lifted
Participants to leave the premises promptly at the end of the session
Regular high-level cleaning and sanitising of contact areas such as door handles, counters and tables
Allow extra time between sessions for cleaning
All participants to wash or sanitise hands upon entry to the premises and prior to leaving the premises
All participants will be asked to bring their own equipment or sanitise the equipment provided before and after each session
There will be no sharing of equipment in each session
No partner work will be included in sessions
Participants to bring own towel and drink bottle
Ample supply of disinfectant wipes available throughout the workout space
Amply bins provided throughout the premises which are emptied regularly
Maintain a register of attendees which will include the first name and contact phone number and date and time attended of each participant
Clients are asked not attend a class if they are unwell or showing signs or symptoms of COVID-19 including fever, cough, sore throat
If you present with symptoms you will be politely asked to leave the class
Contact tracing
Clients to consider downloading the COVIDSafe App
Adhere to the government guidelines in regard to social distancing – maintain a distance of 1.5m from others at all times
Maintain a register of attendance including first names and phone numbers